Ye, André 3000 and Life of the Party

In Law & Crime's podcast, The Rise and Fall of Diddy, they spoke briefly about Diddy's time in college throwing parties ...
“I was like, ‘I have never done that in my life. Sure, why not?’” Shmu says. Someone else asked him to come along for a cheesecake tasting: “Why not?” A stranger’s birthday part ...
You see, we can be the life of the party – the caveat being only when we have the energy to be. As I age, I am finding this harder to achieve, as work and home pressures drain me of any excess ...
[Matt Vella] has had a talking, non-posable skeleton knocking around for years. As cool as that sounds, [Matt] is really tired of its three stock phrases. Fast forward to this year — [Matt] got ...