NASA's Curiosity rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars by uncovering pure sulfur crystals within a broken rock.
The car-sized Curiosity rover has spotted evidence of once quite hospitable environs on Mars.
Caltech scientists published a study using NASA Curiosity rover imagery showing the past existence of warm water on Mars.
A perfectly square-shaped structure on Mars, 3 kilometers wide, spotted in NASA’s Mars Orbiter Camera images, has sparked ...
The findings are the result of the ongoing studies performed by NASA’s Curiosity rover, which has been scouring the red ...
NASA’s Curiosity rover ran over a rock on Mars in late May. That’s par for the course on the red planet, but there was something very different about this rock. It had a surprise inside ...
Fossil ripple marks are the clearest evidence of waves and water that NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover ... [+] has ever found. Recent ripple marks as seen on Earth. "This is the best evidence of ...
Nasa's Mars rover has made its "most unexpected" discovery since it landed on the red planet in 2012: rocks made of sulphur. On 30 May, the Curiosity rover "happened to drive over a rock and crack ...
but it appears Nasa's Curiosity Mars rover is still subject to taking part in the same fads as those it left behind on its home planet. Nasa has released a new 'selfie' sent back by the robotic ...
A collection of Martian rocks could reveal details about potential past life on the Red Planet – but first NASA has to get them back to Earth.