From the streets of Harlem to Vietnam to Hollywood, these stories correct the record and spotlight lesser-known heroes for Women's History Month.
Alan Turing and his assistant Donald Bayley celebrated ... Subsequent experiments recorded in the lab book tested the performance of all the main parts of Delilah—the pulse modulator, the ...
In 1952, Alan Turing, a British mathematician best known for his work on code-breaking and artificial intelligence, was convicted of engaging in homosexual acts and sentenced to chemical castration.
Alan Turing was an English mathematician, wartime code-breaker and pioneer of computer science. Photo: Alan Turing with two colleagues and a Ferranti computer in January 1951. Turing had ...
[Alan Turing]’s efforts with Colossus were top secret for years, and while that work built on earlier efforts in Poland, [Turing] has as much claim to be the father of computers as anyone.