While the shape and style of the home certainly brought in potential buyers, it wasn’t the main draw. Originally listed for ...
A motorcyclist was hit twice in a fatal crash on the Bay Bridge during the busy Friday commute, officials said. The collision happened at 2:11 p.m. on Highway 80, on the eastbound side of the bridge ...
Drivers should expect lane closures on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in the westbound direction through May, ...
The bridge has been reopened to most traffic in both directions. Motorists should expect significant delays.
Controversy and protests have ramped up in recent weeks over Bay City’s two toll bridges and their fluctuating costs. Amidst ...
The $5M deal that changed Bay City’s bridges and the 9 people who voted for it On a frigid Monday in December 2019, nine ...
The new southbound/westbound bridge connects Tampa to St. Petersburg across Old Tampa Bay. It will have four general-use ...
Water Lilly Taxi will hit the water in June. "We have issues with the bridges in Bay City, and what we're doing is giving people an opportunity to get across the bridge that normally wouldn't be able ...
Bay County commissioners on Tuesday awarded a $6.524 million project to replace a key watermain near Dupont Bridge.