Leeuwenhoek discovered that yeast consist of globules floating in a fluid, but he thought they were merely the starchy particles of the grain from which the wort (liquid obtained from the brewing ...
At its most basic, brewing involves fermenting sugar into alcohol using yeast. The source of this sugar and the type of yeast used can significantly affect the flavor of the final product.
The current yield from yeast is 0.0012 percent w/w, that is lower than the 0.0032 percent w/w yield from the tree. However, a soapbark tree needs 30 to 50 years to produce QS-21, whereas the yeast ...
The kit comes with a wine base and brewer’s yeast as well as all the additives necessary to brew a clean and crisp-tasting wine. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can get these items sent ...
In a new study looking at the fundamentals of biology, scientists at The University of Manchester and the University of Leicester have developed unique fertile hybrid yeast strains that offer novel ...
Brewing kits are easy to use and come with step-by-step instructions so you can easily brew mead, wine, beer and cider.