Cervical polyps are very common indeed and, as you say, they can interfere with taking a smear test. A polyp is no more than an overgrowth of one small area of the lining of the cervix.
Clinical characteristics, cervical cytological result, and polyp histological result of patients in the latter 2 categories were compared. Conclusions. Patients with D polyps were younger and had ...
the polyp is a 'fibroid' type, it can make your periods heavier than usual, and can grow to quite a size. It sounds like you have a simple cervical polyp and it is pretty low risk.
"While women may develop nabothian cysts (small, white, mucus-filled bumps on the cervix), fibroids (non-cancerous growths made of muscle and fibrous tissue), or cervical polyps (non-cancerous ...
If a doctor discovers colon polyps, they will often remove them and test for cancer. If cancer is present, cancer specialists will outline a treatment plan, which may include surgery, chemotherapy ...
Cervical dysplasia is the presence of abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix (the opening of the uterus). Cervical dysplasia isn't cancer but it is considered a precancerous condition. Cervical ...
Your doctor might decide to do a cervical biopsy while you’re undergoing a colposcopy. This happens if the exam finds abnormal cells, polyps, inflammation, or genital warts. Your doctor will ...
Failure rate was reported more in group B than group A mainly owing to hypertrophied ectopy and cervical polyp. Patient in group A reported low satisfaction (26.9%) and poor tolerability rate (44. ...