Reading Frost requires a kind of modesty and curiosity. Coming to this modesty has been a big part of my own experience with him. At first, I was reading a lot of the poems and thinking, This is dumb.
Now that we have poems available for free on the internet, as well as seemingly countless poets to choose from, it can be challenging to find truly good poetry books. That’s why we’ve talked ...
Beatriz Fernandez was the first person to submit a Zip Ode in 2015, about her neighborhood. This year marks the tenth ...
The American scholar of 20th-century literature and culture Elizabeth Outka has argued that works such as The Second Coming ...
The news is not good and soon becomes more dire ... And archival footage shows the young, shy and emotionally wracked poet who grew up queer in Maine, beginning to rock the spoken word circuit.
People prefer AI-generated poetry to Shakespeare because it is more “beautiful” and easier to understand, a study has found. The Bard’s sonnets, as well as works by literary figures such as ...