Eric LoPresti, an assistant professor of ecology at the University of South Carolina, used the words “fuzzy” and “adorable” ...
Insect predators found in the United States could help keep spotted lanternfly populations in check while potentially ...
Thrips are tiny insects—their sizes range between 0.5mm and 15mm in length and many are shorter than 5mm. But the damage they ...
While early detection is crucial, so is community action. Unexpected heroes join the fight against insect scourge that ...
New research reveals that rising temperatures may reduce the effectiveness of natural mosquito repellents like citronellal ...
Paleobiologist Scott Lakeram analyzes 300-million-year-old coal ball fossils to reveal prehistoric plant-insect interactions ...
Once built, some termite mounds last centuries. A collection large enough to be considered the “most extensive bioengineering ...
Using two species of flies from different climates -- one from the cool, high-altitude forests of Northern California, the other hailing from the hot, dry deserts of the Southwest -- scientists ...
The journal Advanced Materials recently published a study introducing a new method for monitoring molecular processes deep ...
Conducted by CNRS researchers1, an unprecedented study on the combined use of sunscreen and an insect repellent that is among the best selling in France during summer concludes that UV2 protection ...
I received the following email from Doug Brooks, who gardens in Claremont. “For years, I have used some type of yearly insect ...