"The Brutalist" is a nearly four-hour historical drama starring Adrien Brody as celebrated architect László Tóth. Here's what ...
If you were psyched for the release of the long-awaited biopic of László Tóth, the Hungarian geologist who infamously vandalized Michelangelo’s Pietà statue in 1972, or László Toth the ...
In 'The Brutalist,' the fictional Tóth pioneered Brutalism in Philadelphia. In real life, it was architects like William ...
The simple answer is no, The Brutalist is not based on a true story, and is an entirely fictional film.
(CNN) — In a dark corner of a mansion in mid-century Pennsylvania, Erzsébet, a Hungarian immigrant rebuilding her life in America, pores over the contents of a desk. Scattered across it are ...
Synopsis: Escaping post-war Europe, visionary architect László Toth arrives in America to rebuild his life, his work, and his marriage to his wife Erzsébet after being forced apart during ...
BOB MONDELLO, BYLINE: When Laszlo Toth staggers up to the ship's deck after his transatlantic voyage in 1947, leaving concentration camps behind, the first thing he sees is the Statue of Liberty.