Lobo didn't factor into the original comic story, leading to speculation about his role in the DCU's upcoming Supergirl: ...
With his penchant for murder, mayhem, and manically funny wisecracks, The Merc With The Mouth known as Deadpool has very little competition when it comes to fan-favorite mercenaries, but DC Comics’ ...
During a press event for DC Studios that ComicBook attended, Gunn was asked what Momoa’s Lobo will look like, to which he responded, “He looks like Lobo…. He looks like Lobo anyway ...
“And his text was — let me see if I can remember — it was very eloquent. I think it was, ‘LOBO BABY!!!,’ all in capital letters, with 10 billion exclamation points.” “And ...
Asked when we're likely to get a first look at Momoa's transformation into Lobo, Gunn said, "It's probably going to be a while to be frank with you, because it's all in outer space. With Superman ...
Fan art shows Alcock as Supergirl and Jason Momoa as Lobo, generating hype for the film, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Alcock's casting and Momoa's involvement intensified anticipation for the ...