The Loch Ness Centre / SWNS A general view shows the ... claimed that the so-called creature was more likely a “very big eel” — at least according to testing done on the infamous body ...
Scientists Discovered That the Loch Ness 'Monster' Might Actually Be a Giant Eel Speaking with SWNS, the center's general manager Nagina Ishaq noted they have had "numerous observations over the ...
But while this idea is compelling, the largest eel ever caught in Europe weighed just 12 pounds, which isn’t exactly monstrous. So what have people seen at Loch Ness? Other explanations include ...
A man on Scotland's Dores Beach said he saw the Loch Ness monster in January, the first potential sighting reported to The ...
The Highland Club in Fort Augustus, on the southern point of the vast, hypnotic, expanse of water, was the base for an ...
A mysterious black hump filmed “rising and falling” is believed by an enthusiast to be the Loch Ness Monster, finally caught on camera. Eoin O’Faodhagain was watching for the fabled beast ...
A man on the shores of Scotland's Dores Beach said he saw the elusive Loch Ness monster emerging from the depths of the loch, the first potential Nessie sighting reported to The Loch Ness Centre ...
Eoin O'Faodhagain was watching for the mythical beast via webcam when he spotted something in Loch Ness roughly the size of a small car. He said: 'I was intrigued when I spotted it, and said to ...
A man was visiting Dores Beach in Scotland when he reportedly saw something in the water and took a photo — could it be the ...