Most conferences and poster sessions provide a display area of 4 feet by 8 feet, but you do not need to create a poster that is 4 feet by 8 feet. You only have to create a poster that will fit within ...
Avoid Gradient, doesn’t print well. Use swatches or eyedropper if you have a color in your poster already that you want to match. -If you insert your own image, it will need to be very high resolution ...
About 10 years ago, Purrington, an evolutionary biologist at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, created a Web site offering tips for how to make more successful posters. The tips run from the ...
If your poster has a landscape orientation, consider breaking your text into four columns. While justifying text on both the right and left (i.e., full justification) makes for very neat-looking ...
With the Chemical Science Symposium deadline for submitting abstracts for posters on 31 August, we asked our keynote speaker and Nobel Prize winning scientist David MacMillan’s research group at ...
Your final poster file must be in pdf format ... A list of these templates can be found on the Quick Tips page. If you use a different template, make sure it meets the following requirements: ...
After many years of walking through poster sessions, Colin Purrington, a professor of evolutionary biology at Swarthmore College, noticed a trend. Usually, as he wandered the aisles looking for ...