By the L' Ouvrier Communiste, this text sketches out their views on the State and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Way ...
When Elon Musk took the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the metaphor of him waving around a chainsaw ...
The large mass of emotionally driven workers sees in this revolutionary forward march the cause of their own impotence; in the “party struggles,” they perceive a malicious “destruction of the united ...
In the wake of the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, the slogan “Defund the Police” started to gain ...
The era of the Fourth International implies the resurgence of revolutionary internationalism within the vanguard of the world proletariat. The crisis of Stalinism and the reformist bureaucracies ...
To enforce its domination, it must ensure a definite mutual relationship with the petty bourgeoisie and, through its mediation, with the proletariat. To understand the dialectic of the relation ...
As he campaigns for a second term, President Joe Biden is working as hard as he can to shed his "Scranton Joe" persona and embrace the elite classes that bankroll his candidacy by adopting ...
In trying to predict where the Democratic Party might go after defeat, it might be useful to remember that the central organizing principle of leftism has always been victimhood; more precisely, the ...
The oppressed group for Marx was the vast "proletariat," the working-class armies of the early industrial age, their tormentors the bourgeoisie, and the systemic oppression based on private ...