Not unlike the heroes of Rebel Moon, each of these two stuntmen has a different specialty. “Dustin's super tall, so he did all of Jimmy’s acting beats and movement. Most of the time that you ...
Now that Jimmy has proven what a capable fighter he is, Rebel Moon stunt coordinator Freddy Bouciegues would love to see what else the android can do. “I don't think we really saw all of his ...
The first swarm drone show This project serves as the first ever swarm drone show at the Sphere; a unique fusion of ...
Rather than an opening crawl, Rebel Moon lays out its exposition dump in a long voiceover from Jimmy (Hopkins), who explains that an evil empire is gobbling up the resources of unsuspecting ...
Rebel Moon is a two-movie sci-fi epic from the mind of Zack Snyder, focusing on a colony whose survival rests in the hands of a woman named Kora. The films are based in a fictional galaxy that’s ruled ...
And let’s not forget the robot soldier incongruously named Jimmy, voiced by Anthony Hopkins ... or to fully come to life. With Rebel Moon, it feels strange to see a filmmaker presumably freed ...
When a peaceful settlement on the edge of a distant moon finds itself threatened by the armies of a tyrannical ruling force, Kora (Sofia Boutella), a mysterious stranger living among the villagers ...
Director Zack Snyder has made no secret of the fact that his new two-part sci-fi film Rebel Moon was originally imagined as a Star Wars project, with the filmmaker even pitching Lucasfilm boss ...
When comic book writer Gail Simone saw Rebel Moon, she tweeted to Zack Snyder, saying "I loved it. Nemesis is my new favorite. @ZackSnyder" later following up to say "Be aware, REBEL MOON is an ...