Being a Samburu warrior dominated area, the sound of singing warriors can simply not be wished away, the humming, clapping, jingles and the stamping of feet particularly gives the identity of this ...
Police said they responded to a scene where gunmen ambushed a bus travelling along the Maralal-Baragoi route at the Mbukoi area in Samburu North. Witnesses and police said two conductors were ...
Now, nearing the end of our trip, a Samburu warrior in a red and blue checkered shuka led us up a hill that looked remarkably like Pride Rock from The Lion King. We were headed to one of our final ...
and the Gabra who live in the north Maasai warriors who are yet to kill a lion wear huge enkuraru ostrich feather headdresses for ceremonies Samburu men wear theirs with piles of beads and paint ...
They are recognized for their cattle-keeping traditions, warrior culture ... including: The Samburu people are closely related to the Maasai, and their culture, dress, and traditions are similar ...