Steamed custard is a dish my mother made frequently ... instructing me on the right proportions of liquid to egg (1.5: 1), stressing the importance of straining the mixture to make it really ...
Custard, by its most basic definition, doesn't sound all that exciting: a dish made from a simple blend of eggs and milk (or ...
Chinese steamed eggs is the answer. Simple, creamy, and joyfully jiggly, this eggs-cellent technique makes what could be called a savory flan. It features a delicate, custard-like texture and rich ...
Knowing how to make custard is a skill you'll never regret learning. Great for every pudding you can think of, and as a base for ice cream. Separate the eggs, placing the yolks in a large bowl.
This amount of clams will serve two or three generously, but if you're feeding four to six, add another easy dish of steamed egg custard. Briefly rinse the black beans with water, then drain them ...
The Jigoku-mushi Purin, or “hell-steamed custard pudding,” is so devilishly delicious that it topped the list in a nationwide survey on which local creme caramels people most want to buy.
Light as air and deliciously sweet, these individual sponge puddings are comfort food to impress. For this recipe you will need four individual pudding moulds, a steamer and kitchen string.