Artist's concept of a potentially habitable super-Earth orbiting a star called HD 20794. Illustration credit: Gabriel Pérez ...
A new study by Rice University researchers Sho Shibata and Andre Izidoro presents a compelling new model for the formation of ...
An international team led by researchers in Japan and Europe has discovered a new multi-planet system around a Sun-like star, ...
Could a giant planet between Mars and Jupiter have doomed Earth? A new study suggests that small changes would have been ...
As it orbits its star, it moves close enough at one point to experience extreme heat, similar to Venus’s temperature. But at its farthest point, the planet is nearly twice the distance from Earth to ...
Earth, HD 20794 d, in the habitable zone around a Sun-like star 20 light-years away. With a mass six times that of Eart ...
A second planet has been blown to smithereens by the Meridia black hole/singularity as it continues along its path of destruction towards Super Earth - the Helldivers' home world. Yep, while they ...
Scientists have discovered a 'super-Earth' exoplanet, HD 20794 d, located just 20 light-years away, which could potentially host life. It resides in the habitable zone of its star and might have ...