A new study by Rice University researchers Sho Shibata and Andre Izidoro presents a compelling new model for the formation of ...
But this new study shows that there might be a point where stars with very little metal can’t form super-Earths at all. Earlier this year, NASA announced the discovery of a super-Earth 137 light ...
An international team, including University of Geneva researchers, discovered a super-Earth named TOI-512 b orbiting a star ...
An international team led by researchers in Japan and Europe has discovered a new multi-planet system around a Sun-like star, ...
Artist's concept of a potentially habitable super-Earth orbiting a star called HD 20794. Illustration credit: Gabriel Pérez ...
NASA is always on the hunt for planets like our own, and recently found a new super-Earth by the name of TOI-715b. The planet is larger than our own, but it’s position and makeup mean that it ...
For decades, scientists have debated how super-Earths and mini-Neptunes form. Traditional models have suggested that planetesimals — the tiny building blocks of planets — formed across wide ...