While Balto finished the run, it was Togo the dog who led his sled team through the longest stretch of the journey — more than 260 miles in just three days. Balto has always been regarded as a ...
According to Seppala, Togo was “a spoiled pup and hard to handle,” though he soon showed signs of being a “natural-born leader.” At only 8 months old, on his first run as a sled dog ...
There are about 100 Seppala Siberan sled dogs, many of them in Maine. Each can trace its ancestry directly, on both sides, to Togo. “They’re not interbred so they are a breed of their own ...
The sled dogs of Nome were Siberian huskies ... it was surely Seppala's lead dog Togo. Whilst Kaasen and his team made a 53-mile dash into Nome, Seppala clocked up 265 miles, having to cross ...
Jamie Nelson of Togo, Minn., a four-time John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon winner, was in 14th place and was resting Tuesday afternoon at the Devil Track rest point. Nelson may be known locally as ...
Take a seat and feel the cold wind rushing your face as he embarks on this life-changing adventure. Witness their determination as he attempts a 261-mile sled dog run honoring the legendary dog Togo!