The black cab will vanish from the capital's streets by 2045 if something is not done to reverse decline in the trade, ...
The iconic capital taxis face extinction in 20 years unless the industry gets control of an exodus of drivers and cabs.
Explore why London's iconic black cab could be extinct within 20 years. Learn about the declining taxi numbers in London.
Luke Penlington, 28, moved to Wuhan, China two years ago and was left astounded at the level of technology in the country ...
Sabrina Pettit has only just started driving her taxi in Bury St Edmunds, having previously been employed as a driver for ...
A new report warns that London’s black cabs could vanish by 2045 unless urgent action is taken. Industry leaders call on the ...
Ever wondered what the iconic London black cabbies have to learn to pass the infamous 'Knowledge' test? One cabby tells us ...
London’s famous black cabs could be gone in just 20 years unless action is taken to stop their decline, a thinktank has ...
The traditional London black cab could be extinct within 20 years, new research suggests. If the number of taxis in London ...
Black taxis will become extinct in London within 20 years if cabbies continue to leave the trade at the current rates, a ...
It comes after Transport for London (TfL), which licenses the taxi trade in the capital, last month granted permission for black cab fares to rise by an average of nearly 7.5 per cent from April.
Flying "taxis" are finally real and coming to the UK, New York and Los Angeles soon.