Unhealthy poop can signal a range of health conditions, from IBS to cancer, so it is essential you check what yours look like and can describe them to a doctor Also be aware of the sensations that ...
How often you poop is highly personal, but there is a range that’s considered “normal.” Now, research suggests that the range ...
Following is a transcript of the video. There's honestly nothing more satisfying than a good poop. On the flip side, a bad poop can ruin your day. You know what I'm talking about. Too hard ...
The Bristol Stool Chart describes seven classes of poo. Yours should be a 3 or 4, like a long soft log that’s got the texture of ice cream. It should smell bad — but not that bad. Poop smells ...
Taking antibiotics that kill good and bad bacteria alike, then, can disrupt your digestive system and can cause stinky stool and diarrhea — though experts have yet to determine exactly why this ...