Keep reading through this guide to find out. The scientific name for this grape is Vitis rotundifolia, and it is a variety of muscadine grapes. It's worth noting that other types of golden-hued ...
The University of Minnesota Horticulture Research Center (HRC) in Excelsior, Minn., breeds new varieties of wine and table ...
The majority of grape cultivars rely on a specific amount ... environmental conditions in the germination process of various Vitis species. The team analyzed the germination rates and cold ...
ALTHOUGH an increased set of fruit as a result of gibberellic acid or related compounds has been observed in tomatoes 1, there are insufficient data concerning the effect of this chemical on ...
The early attempts were not successful. The grape that human beings have used for millennia to make wine is the species Vitis vinifera, which evolved in Europe and the Caucasus area of Asia.