What we need happening is 100% purpose-built rental buildings that are built, owned and operated by the government. No ...
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans predicts a median return of 27 million pinks which could mean an opportunity for a ...
For the third consecutive year, the Reynolds Reybots, a robotics team from Reynolds Secondary School in Saanich, has earned a ...
Many Canadians have set their clocks as a result of the seasonal time change ...
Canadians were asked to fly a Canadian flag on Flag Day as a sign of Canadian pride and unity and respect. Many residents and ...
However, the offseason also brought bittersweet news for Pacific FC. Emil Gazdov, the club's standout goalkeeper and the 2024 ...
The Oak Child and Youth Advocacy Centre successfully implemented remote testimony for child witnesses, and says it's a way of ...
Public parks, used and paid for by the public, are by definition shared use. In a park used by free-roaming dogs distanced ...
At their headquarters in East Sooke, the simulator takes up two rooms. One houses a replica of the helm of an RCMSAR rescue ...
Existing car dealerships in Colwood will be placed in a state of 'legal non conformance' if the bylaw is adopted.Google Maps ...
A press release issued by Liz Rodbell, president and CEO of Hudson’s Bay, announced court proceedings under the Companies’ ...
In the telescope’s line of vision is the building site on the East Sooke side of the harbour, where the 80-ton schooner ...