BROTHERS Nick and Jon Francis are marking their 10th year in business after setting up their own farm to raise high quality ...
Tax Watch columnist David McKay Wilson researched Putnam farming after farmers decided it was time to counter the county's anti-farming policies.
Odds Farm Park is home to five different breeds of pig, including the critically endangered Tamworth Pig. Louise added: "The activity we do here at Odds to support rare breed farm animals is ...
3: The Tamworth pig breed was developed on the estate of ... s animal health agency and all movements of pigs on and off farms or smallholdings have to be recorded. Click here for more information.
At Lobster Hill, two burly Tamworth pigs rooted for food in one pasture while a Great Pyrenees dog stood guard in a pen filled with goats, and free-range chickens skittered about the farm compound.