In a dramatic turn of events, Phyllis Fong, the USDA Inspector General, was escorted out of her office for refusing to comply with her dismissal by the Trump administration. This incident raises ...
Federal law requires the White House to give Congress a full month of warning and case-specific details before firing a ...
The White House defied a law that requires giving Congress 30 days’ notice and detailed reasons before removing the watchdog ...
"It's quite stark and severe, if you will. This is sort of like the bureaucratic version of a perp walk," said former ...
President Trump fired 17 inspectors general across federal agencies. Here's what an inspector general does and who they work ...
The dismissals appeared to violate federal law, which requires Congress to receive 30 days’ notice of any intent to fire a ...
Lawmakers in both parties expressed concern that the White House might have circumvented federal rules in dismissing ...
President Donald Trump reportedly fired 17 inspectors general overnight. According to multiple outlets, most of the people ...
A former inspector general claimed on MSNBC that President Donald Trump's mass firing of 17 federal watchdogs on Friday ...