Mulching is the secret to healthier plants, better soil and weed prevention - but what exactly does it consist of?
Mulch is a crucial component of garden and landscape maintenance, helping improve plant health while offering aesthetic appeal. If you’re new to gardening, you may wonder what mulch is and how ...
It may not be rare or exotic, but leaf mulch is a magical, free amendment to your garden’s soil that many a gardener swears by. I first noticed it in the driveway of my grandmother’s summer ...
FEED THE LAWN: Apply a fertilizer to your lawn over the next three weeks. Use a lawn fertilizer and follow label directions ...
The Tulsa mulch site is closed Tuesday and Wednesday due to a neighboring grassfire and continued red flag warnings across ...
The right mulch will help your plants and trees stay healthy by retaining soil moisture and keeping their roots cooler in summer and warmer in winter. It can also make your life easier by ...