“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
Fans voted on the most memorable Bravo premiere season moments, and the results were shown on Bravo Bravo F'ing Bravo with ...
"Severance" season one introduced Mark, Helly, Dylan, and Irving's careers at Lumon. Here's a recap of what to remember for ...
It's time to clock back in at Lumon for "Severance" Season 2, but first freshen up with what went down in Season 1.
Better yet, the stuff Skeleton Crew has to say is relevant to a younger audience – like when KB (Kyriana Kratter) talks about ...
Prime Video’s “On Call” goes against trend when it comes to giving us a cop show, and while there is a certain level of ...
ABC’s High Potential Season 1 Episode 9 premiered on January 14, 2025, and in this episode Captain Soto is seen to be making some progress regarding Morgan’s husband Roman and what exactly had happene ...
In Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6, called "The Joy of Killing," things end on an intense note leaving everyone on the edge of their seats for what's coming. Dexter cruises to his go-to spot in the ...