"The Brutalist" is a nearly four-hour historical drama starring Adrien Brody as celebrated architect László Tóth. Here's what's real in the new movie.
The Brutalist actor was once bound for leading-man Hollywood stardom. Now he’s set to get recognized for a very different kind of role.
An American accused of sexually assaulting a Pennsylvania college student in 2013 and later sending her a Facebook message ...
An American accused of sexually assaulting a Pennsylvania college student in 2013 and later sending her a Facebook message ...
"Tell me – why is an accomplish foreign architect shoveling coal here in Philadelphia?" A24 has unveiled one more official ...
It's the first day of a new era for "Cinema Chat"! Marquee Arts cinema program director, Nick Alderink, is now the permanent ...
Adrien Brody captivates as a post-war immigrant who comes to America to chase his version of the American Dream.
After roles in “Memento” and “L.A. Confidential” made him famous, Pearce turned his back on Hollywood. At age 57, he’s ...
Newly declassified British documents show that Queen Elizabeth II wasn’t told details of her long-time art adviser's double ...
The Brutalist, starring Adrien Brody, is now in theaters. Award-winning drama with powerful performances. Streaming updates ...
Production designer Judy Becker channeled the ghost of modernists like Marcel Breuer to create the rooms and buildings that ...
Guy Pearce knits his brow. “You know, people have said to me, quite openly, ‘Wow, you really f—ked your career, didn’t you?’ He meets my gaze. “I’m like, did I?! I’ve just done three films, and I’ve ...