The so-called spec home, a spin on the American dream home with standardized color schemes and toilet fixtures, is falling ...
The so-called spec home, a spin on the American dream home with standardized color schemes and toilet fixtures, is falling ...
For constipation relief, it highlights crossing one leg over the other while sitting on the toilet. Let’s find out if this technique can help to relieve constipation just by adjusting body ...
Flight attendants have shared the one row on a plane that you should avoid sitting in - and it's all to do with the snacks ...
Using a toilet seat with stains on it is disgusting and unhygienic for you and your family as well. Fortunately, with little ...
WE all poo – but does it really matter how often? A US study says it does, revealing that how often you go affects your ...
PART OF THIS TEXT COMES FROM THE WEIBO WATCH PREMIUM NEWSLETTER Shoe prints on top of the toilet seat are never a pretty ...
Sometimes, you may need to use a public washroom in an emergency and as such you have a roll to play.
A renovated and extended Edwardian home in Bray, Co Wicklow split opinions on the latest episode of RTÉ’s Home of the Year on ...
Spring is the season for fresh starts, and there's no better time to give your new home the deep clean it deserves. You've ...
This Sunday is Spring Clean Sunday, on which Brits will spend a collective 22 million hours sprucing their places up as we ...
Cameron spent much of the flight lying in the foetal position on the bathroom floor and when he wasn't being sick, he sat with an air hostess who kept the cubicle free for him. On arriving at Abu ...