Few movie franchises have produced as sustained a string of critical failures as Sony's Spider-Man Universe. Despite this, ...
Kraven The Hunter, featuring Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Russell Crowe, is now in theatres. Directed by J.C. Chandor, it ...
Kraven the Hunter featured a really strange moment where the Rhino screamed, but Alessandro Nivola didn't intend for it to happen.
The history of Sony’s endeavors with Spider-Man characters needs no recap. Their studio thought they could do things the ...
In Sony Pictures’ action-adventure film Kraven the Hunter, the titular character is a child of the wild with the guile and gusto to “hunt down people” like few others. Kraven can run like the wind, ...
Unpack everything that is to know behind the 'Kraven the Hunter' ending, what it means for Sergei's future, and how it sets up a sequel.
The characters in Sony's Spider-Man Universe were created to play off of Spider-Man and thus needed to be adjusted to work on ...