Newly-declassified files show the Queen was only told the full story a decade after the Cambridge don and royal courtier ...
Sir Martin Charteris, a former high-ranking military officer. Kerr, in the manner of an intelligence officer—which he had once been—supplied the palace with detailed briefings, complete with ...
Sir Anthony Blunt, the Royal Family's picture surveyor and renowned art historian, finally admitted that he had been a Soviet agent since the 1930s.
The only people aware of the confession at the palace were the queen's private secretary – Martin Charteris, and his deputy, Philip Moore. According to the files: "Charteris thought that the ...
In 1972, her private secretary, Martin Charteris, told MI5 chief Michael Hanley that “the queen did not know and he saw no advantage in telling her about it now; it would only add to her worries ...
LONDON (AP) — Queen Elizabeth II wasn’t told details of her long-time art adviser's double life as a Soviet spy because palace officials didn’t want to add to her worries, newly declassified documents ...