Testing a stool sample can help doctors find out what's going on when someone has a problem in the stomach, intestines, rectum, or other part of the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Unlike most other lab ...
We see and hear about hearts everywhere. A long time ago, people even thought that their emotions came from their hearts, maybe because the heart beats faster when a person is scared or excited. Now ...
It’s normal for people to masturbate (touch or rub their own genitals because they like the way it feels). Some people do it to relieve stress or tension. It’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed ...
Earaches are common in kids and can have many causes. Here’s why they happen and what to do when your child complains of ear pain. Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed to ease pain (check the ...
How Does the Brain Work? And How Does the Nervous System Work? How do you remember the way to your friend's house? Why do your eyes blink without you ever thinking about it? Where do dreams come from?
How much do you know about your bones? Find out by taking this quiz!
Bullying is a big problem. It can make kids feel hurt, scared, sick, lonely, embarrassed, and sad. Bullies might hit, kick, or push to hurt people, or use words to call names, tease, or scare them. A ...
El síndrome de Down, también conocido como trisomía del cromosoma 21, es una afección en la cual la presencia de material genético adicional provoca retrasos en la manera en que un niño se desarrolla, ...
Just about every guy wonders how he measures up "down-there." Here's the lowdown for any guy who's ever worried about whether his penis is a normal size. There is a wide range of normal penis sizes.
Did you know you have more than 600 muscles in your body? They do everything from pumping blood throughout your body to helping you lift your heavy backpack. You control some of your muscles, while ...
Girls have lots of questions about the body changes of puberty. When will my breasts grow? What's the "normal" age to get your first period? Watch this video and find out!
How much do you know about your digestive system? Find out by taking this quiz!