The redevelopment project, known as “The AVE,” will include 52 units of affordable housing, retail space, community amenities, and a state-of-the-art NHS office. Spearheaded by KMW Communities and the ...
Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile invites guests to make this Valentine’s Day a magnificent weekend, as the hotel offers exclusive packages and exciting Galentine’s celebrations. These ...
¡Lincoln Park Zoo tiene dos nuevos residentes primates! Los tamarinos emperador Sal y Feta se han instalado en su habitat en la casa para pequeños mamíferos y reptiles de Regenstein. Los monos tienen ...
Lincoln Park Zoo has two new petite primate residents! Emperor tamarins Sal and Feta have settled into their habitat in Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House. The monkeys have striking white mustaches ...
Al tomar Donald Trump la oficina y en vista de las palabras de los funcionarios que serán parte de su administración, de convertir a Chicago en la “zona cero” de las deportaciones, el Congresista Jesú ...
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) and the Forest Preserves of Cook County are partnering on a feasibility study in southeast Cook County for a collaborative project ...
As Donald Trump takes office and in light of remarks from officials who will be part of his administration to make Chicago “ground zero” for deportations, Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (IL-04) ...
Rogers Park Business Alliance anuncia con entusiasmo que un nuevo Centro de Empoderamiento Económico del Estado de Illinois abrirá sus puertas a la comunidad, entre otras ampliaciones de su programa d ...
Rogers Park Business Alliance excitedly announces a new State of Illinois Economic Empowerment Center will be opening their doors to the community, among other expansions of its no-cost bilingual ...
El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH) está invitando a Soliticud de Propuestas [Requests for Proposals] (RFPs) de las organizacione,s para mejorar los servicios con información sobre trau ...
Upon registering, organizations may review and respond to the RFP application here: City of Chicago eProcurement Solicitations. The deadline for questions or concerns about proposals is Tuesday ...
• Vista varias capas de ropa suelta y abrigada, poniendo atención especial en mantener abrigados su cabeza, manos y pies. • Use sombrero, bufanda y guantes. • Manténgase tan seco como sea posible – ...