Rumors are key to the plot of "Anastasia," the 1997 animated film that follows a young woman on a journey to find her past. The movie itself has been engulfed in its own rumor for decades, with ...
In 1920, an unknown 24-year-old woman was fished out of Berlin's Landwehr kanal after a suicide attempt. Since she has no papers and no answers to any questions, they soon assign them to the ...
The myth that the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova survived the Russian royal family’s execution by a group of Bolsheviks in 1918 has spawned articles, books, movies, an animated film ...
A film based on a script by the Sakhalin ethnographer Alexander Chelnokov. The events of the last months of World War II in the seas of the Far East are associated with modern life on Sakhalin.