Looking for easy ways to strengthen your heart? Try these yoga poses approved by the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology. The post Top 5 Yoga Poses To Practice for a Healthy Heart appeared ...
Facing Dog, and Savasana can combat stress and anxiety in working women, promoting mental health, wellness, and self-care.
Rediff.com introduces a new fitness series in which rediffGURU Pushpa R will teach you how to do a different yoga asana every ...
“A fundamental standing position that encourages alignment, strength, and stability. Tadasana serves to energise the body and improve posture by emphasising the grounding and elongation of the spine.
Stand tall with feet together, arms by your sides and engage your core. Stand on one leg, placing the other foot on your inner thigh and bring your hands together in prayer position.
Yoga Poses that can help you keep your body warm by improving body's blood circulation to the heart and other body parts.
It helps with your posture, strengthens your core, improves blood flow for a glowing complexion. It opens your chest, increases blood flow to your face, reduces stress and reviving your skin. It ...
10 diet practices to control cholesterol... 7 leafy green vegetables you must consum ...