Channel 4 aired an episode of Countdown recently saw host Colin Murray, co-host Rachel Riley and guest star Nicki Chapman react to a word suggested by Susie Dent ...
Countdown star Rachel Riley was left red-faced after the show had another classic moment with an X-rated word.
COUNTDOWN has had a classic moment where a rude word was spelled out – leaving Rachel Riley blushing. The Channel 4 show has ...
asked none other than countdown host Colin Murray what the answer was. “Right, I’ve had to do a bit of digging,” the Channel 4 host said. “I talked to Susie Dent, who would know better ...
Oxford-based Countdown star Susie Dent is “delighted” that she is being honoured for sharing her joy of language. The ...
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Lexicographer Susie Dent caused amusement in the Countdown studio after finding cheeky a seven-letter word during Tuesday's episode. The discovery came during a letters round where contestants ...