In a dramatic turn of events, Phyllis Fong, the USDA Inspector General, was escorted out of her office for refusing to comply with her dismissal by the Trump administration. This incident raises ...
Phyllis Fong had informed her colleagues in an email that she planned to remain in her position, asserting that the termination notice did not follow legal requirements and therefore was not valid.
Congress must hold the president accountable for these personnel decisions and take steps to maintain inspectors generals' abilities to monitor the government’s honesty and efficiency.
The FBI has recorded a sharp spike in complaints that its own agents and employees have engaged in sexual misconduct, ranging ...
What was seen as outrageous during Trump's first term is seen as normal in his second. A Washington Post columnist recently ...
Trump wants us to go back to the bad old days when the entire executive branch could be hired and fired at the president’s ...
But beyond the immediate policy impacts, there is a broader and more troubling pattern emerging: a flagrant challenge to the ...
By firing key watchdogs inside the federal government, Trump gave away his game. He's not fighting waste, he's protecting his own hide.
President Donald Trump won by a lot. Your blather shows not only your prejudiced point of view but that you are out of touch ...
USDA and other agencies need closer oversight as the Trump administration purges inspectors general, Senate Agriculture Chair John Boozman says.
Firing IGs isn’t unprecedented. Ronald Reagan fired 16, rehiring five after congressional criticism. Barack Obama fired one, explaining his actions to Congress after complaints. In his first term, ...