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  1. Pacha Khan ZadranAfghan politician
    OverviewTop storiesEducationCareer
  2. Copilot Answer
    1. Pacha Khan Zadran
      Elected to Afghanistan's legislature, Wolesi Jirga.
    2. Pacha Khan Zadran
      Assassination attempt with bomb failed.
      February 24, 2006
    3. Pacha Khan Zadran
      Vehicle attacked; son, grandson injured.
      December 22, 2006
    4. Pacha Khan Zadran
      Car bombed by suicide attacker; six killed.
      October 13, 2007
    Siege of Gardez and Khost

    Angered that his assistance to American forces in Operation Anaconda had not been rewarded, Zadran's force became a "renegade" force. After being replaced by Taj Mohammad Wardak as governor of Paktia Prov… See more

    Son killed by Americans

    On 24 March 2003, Carlotta Gall, writing in The New York Times, reported that a Zadran spokesman claimed US special forces had killed Pacha Khan's eldest son, and nine of his men. See more

    Arrested in Pakistan

    Zadran was arrested by Pakistani security forces in November 2003. On February 3, 2004 he and his brother Amanullah were brought to the border of Afghanistan and handed over to Afghan troops. They were then driven to … See more

    Elected to Afghanistan's legislature

    In 2005, he was elected to the Afghanistan's legislature, the Wolesi Jirga. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies:
    "The disarmament commission reports that Pacha Kha… See more

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