BS Breed Facts - brownswissusa.com
Brown Swiss are low-maintenance, high producing, adaptable cows that live a long time and make money for dairy producers. High Production. Brown Swiss yield large volumes of milk with high components, boasting an ideal fat-to-protein ratio for cheese-making.
Brown Swiss Association
Welcome to the homepage of the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Association of the USA. BSCBA is engaged in promoting the breed and providing services to breeders of Brown Swiss cattle, including: registration & transfer, type classification, production testing, and parentage verification.
THE HISTORY OF BROWN SWISS. Brown Swiss is recognized are one of the oldest cattle breeds in the world. The Brown Swiss Cattle breed originated in the mountain tops of northeast Switzerland before historic records began.
THE BROWN SWISS CATTLE BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION OF THE USA. The U.S. Brown Swiss Association, formed in 1880 to establish an official herdbook, registers about 10,000 animals per year and serves about 1800 combined adult and junior members. It is governed by a 10-person board of directors elected by and from the membership. BSCBA Mission ...
Why Brown Swiss
Why Brown Swiss. The Milk for Quality plus Quantity. Protein (casein)-to-Fat Ratio Ideal for Quality Cheese Production; Higher Cheese Yield with 75-80% Breed Average Kappa Casein B/B; Better Digestibility with 65-70% Breed Average Beta Casein A2/A2; Naturally High in Long Chain Volatile Fatty Acids or VFAs; Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Advantage
The following four abnormalities found in Brown Swiss cattle have been determined to be inherited characteristics caused by simple recessive genes and declared to be undesirable genetic recessive factors: Weaver (Bovine Progressive Degenerative Myeloencephalopathy), SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy),
Brown Swiss Bulletin
The Brown Swiss Bulletin is the official publication of the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders’ Association of the USA and has been published monthly since 1922. As of 2016, it has been published 11 times per year.
About Us > BS Historical Society - Brown Swiss USA
At the 2007 National Convention, guess where, New York, George presented the Society with its first Historical Artifact, a Brown Swiss bell with leather strap stitched with G.B. and Arth standing for G. Burgi & Sons, Arth, Switzerland.
CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (12/24) - brownswissusa.com
August 2020, the Calving Ability Index (CA$) formulae were revised for Brown Swiss and Holstein: Brown Swiss: -6 * (SCE - 3.0) - 8 * (DCE - 2.8) Holstein: -4 * (SCE - 2.2) -3 * (DCE - 2.7) -4 * (SSB - 5.7) --8 * (DSB - 6.6)
National Membership - brownswissusa.com
If you own a registered Brown Swiss animal, including RF, ID and IDR females, you are eligible for membership within the National Brown Swiss Association. Memberships may be obtained for an individual person, farm or family, partnership (syndicate), corporation or estate/trust.