BBC Two - Wikipedia
Introduced on 18 February 2007, the new look also had the channel adopt a teal-coloured box logo, featuring the BBC logo above the word TWO, now in the font Avenir. In 2014, in honour of the channel's 50th anniversary, some of the 1990s idents were re-introduced and from 2015, BBC Two Northern Ireland opted to use nearly forty idents from the ...
CBBC | Logopedia | Fandom
On February 11 th, 2002, CBBC launched a TV channel of its own and introduced a new logo, consisting of a green blob or 'bug' with a C in purple. The logo was designed by Lambie-Nairn just like CBeebies and BBC Kids from Canada which resembles its logo.
CBBC idents - Wikipedia
Current CBBC logo (15 March 2023 - present) Following the BBC corporate rebrand in 2021, CBBC finally updated with the new logo on 15 March 2023. The idents featured square, snake-like cylinders named the Flooms. Like other BBC channels, the new BBC logo is always at the top, whilst the word "CBBC" is always at the bottom.
CBBC/Other - Logopedia | Fandom
CBBC Choice 1998 logo (print version) CBBC on Choice 1999 logo. CBBC on Choice 1999 logo (print version) Logo without yellow background ... The idents from this time had green bugs that often, but not always, had one eye. CBBC's screen bug can be seen here. The bugs had their own home, which was a floating "island." The "island" even had a ...
BBC Two | Logopedia | Fandom
A new logo was introduced on 18 February 2007, with the typography on the word "TWO" being changed from the Gill Sans typeface to the Avenir typeface, and the box's colour changing violet to teal. The blade "2" has been slightly altered for this …
BBC Two - Audiovisual Identity Database
Logo/Label: The '2' is sitting away from our point-of-view when it notices something not quite right. The BBC Two logo is backwards! A blank white square sits in the place where the usual logo should be. Immediately, the '2' rushes to the scene and sprouts a pair of robotic arms.
File:CBBC 2002 logo.svg - Wikipedia
CBBC logo used from 2002 to 2007. It was slightly updated in 2005. See below. This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain in the United States because it consists entirely of typefaces, individual words, handwriting, …
File : BBC Two logo 2021.svg - Wikimedia
Dec 2, 2024 · English: BBC Two logo used since the 2021-2022 rebrand (a.k.a. 'Chameleon'). Logo incorporates new font (BBC Reith Sans) and new colour scheme (#10a88d).
CBBC idents - Fandom
While he is gone, the numerous letters of the logo, the 1988-1997 BBC logo, and the logo of the channel it is on all appear in different locations around the room. The same thing is repeated when he staggers back in, but with the 1991-1997 BBC1 …
CBBC 2 Logo by melvin764g on DeviantArt
Sep 18, 2023 · Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Literature. Submit your writing