The campanile - Basilica San Marco
The campanile of St. Mark’s is an imposing square plan tower about 99 metres high, crowned by a spire that was once a lighthouse for shipping. It is the prototype of all the campaniles of the lagoon area.
Campanile - Basilica San Marco
Il campanile di San Marco è una poderosa torre a pianta quadrata, alta circa 99 metri compresa la cuspide di coronamento, anticamente faro dei naviganti, prototipo di tutti i campanili lagunari.
Basilica San Marco
Campanile; Tradizione musicale; Cronologia Essenziale; Patriarca. Biografia; Omelie e interventi; Il Patriarca in Basilica; Procuratoria; Capitolo; Storia. San Marco Evangelista; La Basilica: funzione politica e religiosa; La IV Crociata; Venezia e l’Oriente; I dogi e la Basilica; I Patriarchi e la Basilica; Cronologia Essenziale; calendario ...
The bells - Basilica San Marco
In the collapse of 14th July 1902, the 5 bells were smashed. They were all recast and donated by Pope Pius X.. There had always been five since ancient times and each one had a special name: Marangona was the main bell at whose sound practitioners of the various crafts (marangoni) began and stopped work. This bell also gave first notice of Meetings of the Upper Council and …
Opening times - Basilica San Marco
You can visit St Mark Basilica from 9.30am (Sunday and Solemnities ‘of precept’ from 2pm) to 5.15pm (last admission: 4.45pm; ticket: 3 €; free for children up to 6 years of age), with the possibility to see also the Pala d’Oro (supplement: 5 €; free for children up to 6 years of age) and the Museum – Loggia dei Cavalli (supplement: 7 €; free for children up to 6 years of age).
Reservations - Basilica San Marco
The campanile; The Musical Tradition; Essential chronology; Patriarch. Biography; Homily; Celebrations with the Patriarch; The Procuratoria of St. Mark; The Chapter of Canons; History. St. Mark the Evangelist; The Basilica: political and religious function; The Fourth Crusade; Venice and the East; The Doges and the Basilica; The Patriarches and ...
Guided tours - Basilica San Marco
The campanile; The Musical Tradition; Essential chronology; Patriarch. Biography; Homily; Celebrations with the Patriarch; The Procuratoria of St. Mark; The Chapter of Canons; History. St. Mark the Evangelist; The Basilica: political and religious function; The Fourth Crusade; Venice and the East; The Doges and the Basilica; The Patriarches and ...
The Sansovino Loggia - Basilica San Marco
The marble reliefs with allegorical depictions are the work of his pupils: Venice as Justice (centre), The Island of Cyprus (right) and The Island of Candia (left).
Basilica San Marco Information
The campanile; The Musical Tradition; Essential chronology; Patriarch. Biography; Homily; Celebrations with the Patriarch; The Procuratoria of St. Mark; The Chapter of Canons; History. St. Mark the Evangelist; The Basilica: political and religious function; The Fourth Crusade; Venice and the East; The Doges and the Basilica; The Patriarches and ...
The Building Phases - Basilica San Marco
On 14th July 1902, around 10 in the morning, the campanile of St. Mark’s collapsed almost without warning, falling in on itself. After the incident the new director of works Manfredo Manfredi carried out a rigorous inspection of all structural aspects of the church.