Wiki Billing Depo-Medrol with NDC info - AAPC
Jun 11, 2018 · The skin was prepped with alcohol and cold spray. Then, using 40 mg of Depo-Medrol and 25 mg of bupivacaine for a total of 6 mL, the 2 muscle groups were then injected evenly. 2. Right knee injection: This was performed through the anterolateral portal site with 1 mL lidocaine, Marcaine, and 2 mL of 40 mg Depo-Medrol.
Depo Medrol injection | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
Jun 20, 2008 · How do you bill for the Depo Medrol given in two separate injections; a trigger point with 50 mg of Depo and an occipital nerve block with 25 mg of Depo? Injections given at the same visit. HCPCS list the drugs as 20 mg, 40 mg, and 80 mg. My provider (resident) has marked the encounter as 40...
Wiki Billing for Depo Medrol J1020, J1030, J1040 - AAPC
Jun 2, 2017 · When billing for Depo Medrol injections do you bill for the total mg’s administered or for the vial the medication is pulled from? example: Patient comes in for a trigger point injection-the total number of trigger points is 4, with 20mg injected into each trigger point. Would you bill …
Double Check Administration Route for Depo-Medrol Injection
Nov 18, 2015 · Question: Our otolaryngologist sometimes gives Depo-Medrol injections to his patients. Should we be billing CPT ® 96372 in addition to the HCPCS code J1040? Minnesota Subscriber. Answer: A provider can administer Depo-Medrol via several routes, such as intramuscular, intraarticular, or intralesional. Therefore, verify the administration route ...
Depo-Medrol Billing : Reader Question - AAPC
Oct 1, 2001 · Answer: Depo-Medrol, like Celestone, is billed by the unit in 20-, 40- or 80-mg quantities using J1020, J1030 or J1040. If you give a 100-mg injection, bill for J1020 and J1040, at one unit for each code.
Depo Medrol injections | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
Apr 23, 2014 · "Check the NDC number on the packaging for the Depo Medrol they are using. That number matches up to the doseage...if the number cooresponds to a 40mg dose then use J1030 code with 2 units. If the NDC is the same regardless of the dosage then you could use J1040 with 1 unit.
Depo-Medrol Only 10 mgs | Medical Billing and Coding Forum
Jul 12, 2010 · A provider ordered an injection of 10 mg of Depo-Medrol for injection. The HCPCS codes J1020, J1030, and J1040 are all for 20, 40, and 80 mgs.
Wiki - DepoMedrol | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
Feb 27, 2024 · Our providers inject 0.5cc of Depo-Medrol 40mg/ml. (multi dose vial) Do we report this as J1020x1 Methylprdnisolone actat 20mg or J1030 since that is the 40mg?
Wiki J1010 replacing J1030, J1040 Depomedrol - AAPC
Apr 9, 2024 · I am looking for help with billing J1010. Would I bill 40 units for Depomedrol 40mg and same with 80mg would I bill 80 units? I see the description is for 1mg. The way I have it right now is 1 unit but 40ML by the NDC on the claim form. If I could get any help with this that would be very much...
Wiki J1010 Depo-Medrol BILATERAL injections - MUE denial - AAPC
Nov 7, 2024 · On October 1, 2024 CMS assigned an MUE of 120 to CPT code J1010. Previous to this date, J1010 had no MUE assignment. Our physicians do 80 mg injections in a large joint and frequently do bilateral injections. So with the MUE assignment of 120 mg (and an MAI of 3 - date of service edit), we...