This guide was created by the ePortfolio Program at LaGuardia Community College (CUNY). For more information, please visit www.laguardia.edu/eportfolio. TR 02292021 Image 5 Step 4: From the “ePortfolio Upgrade Status” page, you will see the classic ePortfolio upgrading to …
please visit www.laguardia.edu/eportfolio . [TR 09092021] Change the Font Family Size and Color (Mobile) A Guide for Students and Faculty . Who is this for? This guide is for students that want to change the font family, size and color in an existing ePortfolio on a mobile device. Step 1:
ePortfolio on a mobile device . Note: This feature allows you to access files you previously uploaded to your ePortfolio to reuse the content , or reupload a file that you deleted by accident. Step 1: In your ePortfolio, click on the “Add content” button or (+) sign. In the library, click “Previous Uploads .” (See images 1 and 2)
This guide is for students and faculty to learn more about how to upload content to their ePortfolio. These steps are for adding content to a new page or an existing page with content. لمن
please visit www.laguardia.edu/eportfolio . [TR 09092021] Create a Link to a website or URL (Mobile) A Guide for Students and Faculty . Who is this for? This guide is for students and faculty who want to create a text link to a website/ URL in their ePortfolio on a mobile device . Step 1: In a Rich text module, ta p the edit icon.