THE FOREST | A hub of outdoor living | New World Development
THE FOREST-a hub of outdoor living that fosters a sustainable environment with ample greenery, which located on "Sneakers Streets" Mong Kok HONG KONG.
Shopping and Dining | THE FOREST | The Artisanal Movement
THE FOREST is a kaleidoscope of products and technologies, interlligence and artistry, information and inspiration.
Location | THE FOREST | Mong Kok | The Artisanal Movement
The Forest is located in 17 Nelson Street Mong Kok beneath the "SKYPARK" residences, it is just 3 minuties walk from Mongkok MTR station (EXIT E2).
THE FOREST | 引領大自然戶外新活 | 新世界發展
the forest位於旺角 最有代表性的波鞋街 秉承波鞋街的傳統運動文化,並融合品牌個性的理念,以原創及獨具匠心的精神,創造出全新概念購物地標 THE FOREST。
位置 | THE FOREST | 旺角 | The Artisanal Movement | 新世界發展
秉承波鞋街的傳統運動文化,並融合品牌個性的理念,以原創及獨具匠心的精神,創造出全新概念購物地標 the forest。 香港九龍旺角奶路臣街17號 星期一至星期日 10:30am-10:30pm
THE FOREST | 引领大自然户外新活 | 新世界发展
the forest位于旺角 最有代表性的波鞋街 秉承波鞋街的传统运动文化,并融合品牌个性的理念,以原创及独具匠心的精神,创造出全新概念购物地标 THE FOREST。
Contact Us | THE FOREST | New World Development
Welcome to The Forest. Please email us: [email protected]
Latest Happening |THE FOREST | The Artisanal Movement | New …
THE FOREST is a fruit of transformation.Paying homage by preserving the heritage-behold the city's greatest diversity of sports- related products.
THE FOREST 波鞋街節 | THE FOREST | The Artisanal Movement
Jun 26, 2021 · THE FOREST-a hub of outdoor living that fosters a sustainable environment with ample greenery, which located on "Sneakers Streets" Mong Kok HONG KONG.
購物美食指南 |THE FOREST | The Artisanal Movement | 新世界發展
the forest 有如生活萬花筒,生活智慧以至藝術品味;豐富資訊以至靈感啟迪,應有盡有,一應俱全。