Hulk Shook: 15 Things That Have Truly Frightened The Hulk
Sep 22, 2018 · At first, Hulk tries to fight man-a-mano — after all, they are two of a kind, and the Hulk at the time was in his prime. At one point, Maestro threatens to rip a young serving girl in …
Hulk Admits The One Marvel Character He's Really Afraid Of
Dec 21, 2022 · When he first emerged in front of the Hulk, The Void attached itself to the hero, showing him his entire life flashing before his eyes. In a heartbreaking scene, The Void tells …
Avengers: Infinity War directors explain the real reason Hulk
Aug 2, 2018 · Sure, Hulk's had rough fights before, but Thanos just completely dominated him, and the theory was that it had intimidated the big green guy into inaction. According to the …
Hulk's Biggest Fear Isn't Thanos, It's His Father - CBR
Jul 9, 2021 · Bruce Banner never Hulked up again in the movie, almost making it seem as though he was afraid of Thanos. While that was never proven definitively within the MCU, one of the …
People are right to hate and be afraid of the Hulk.
Hulk, at least the most known one, the Savage Hulk, is the impotent rage of an abused child given terrible power and form. So, him getting rid of the Hulk is pretty much him literally ripping out …
Did anybody used to be afraid of the incredible Hulk as a kid?
Bill Bixby with those white-green contact lenses is still as scary as anything I’ve ever seen. The animated Incredible Hulk intro from the cartoon in the 80m’s scared the hell out of me. 40 …
Infinity War Director Confirms Hulk is NOT Afraid of Thanos
Jul 31, 2018 · Hulk may have taken a beating in Avengers: Infinity War, but his absence from the rest of the movie was NOT out of "fear" of Thanos, as many fans assumed. That's according to …
Hulk was not scared of Thanos. Hulk was scared of Earth!
May 22, 2018 · Hulk wasn’t scared of Thanos at first, but when Thanos pried Hulk’s grip off him and gave him that good punch, Hulk looked embarrassed, scared, perhaps both. The people …
Hulk's Greatest Fear Has Officially Been Confirmed By Marvel …
Apr 7, 2022 · In the latest issue of Marvel Comics' Hulk, Bruce Banner has concluded that his greatest fear has become his permanent reality no matter what universe he may travel to.
10 Greatest Fears of Hulk - GOBOOKMART
Apr 27, 2023 · We will delve into the 10 greatest fears of the Hulk, and take a closer look at the psychological complexities of this beloved superhero. After experiencing a traumatic break-up, …