Where are Predator cues made, and does Lucasi cues compare in …
Feb 14, 2014 · OB is in Dallas, Tx Predator and Poison are from the same Factory Lucasi is also from China but different factory Tiger is pure USA Joss is in Mass. Players and Lucasi are …
Lucasi (Zero flex point) - AzBilliards Forums
Apr 10, 2017 · I used to play with a players HXT when I was starting pool seriously and I still like the way those shafts play even though I have changed to a different cue. They are constructed …
Lucasi cue identification help - AzBilliards Forums
Oct 3, 2023 · Hello all, I’m Todd, I have recently purchased a Lucasi cue and have tried many ways of looking it up but can’t seem to pin point it exactly. It’s marking on the butt say Lucasi …
Lucasi vs. Meucci vs. McDermott - AzBilliards Forums
Dec 8, 2008 · A few months back, when I got back into paying pool (after a nearly 7-year absence), I was looking at buying a Meucci, which is what I played with way back in the day. …
When did Lucasi start making cues? - AzBilliards Forums
Apr 13, 2020 · I 1st remember Lucasi cues from the mid to late 90's, when I assume that Buddy Hall had Lucasi build him a line of Buddy Hall signature cues, that had his signature in the …
Identify these Lucasi cues - AzBilliards Forums
Jul 24, 2011 · I purchased a couple Lucasi cues not too long ago. The sellers had no idea what models they are, so I checked with Mike of Cheap Cues (dot com), who is usually quite …
Thoughts on Lucasi Hybrid and other mid range cues?
Sep 21, 2016 · I am in the process of getting my home room some nicer cues for my friends and family to play with and Lucasi cues caught my eye. LHF10 seems like a pretty cue that would …
Are there any archives of discontinued Lucasi cues?
Feb 14, 2014 · I am curious is there are any archives of discontinued Lucasi cues? There is a older (non hybrid) Lucasi LE cue that I am trying to look up information on, but I can't find any …
Lucasi Cues & the Uni-Lock Joint - AzBilliards Forums
Aug 20, 2004 · Saw an interesting cue yesterday locally. Lucasi was the brand name, and think they are made in China.? It also had something called a Uni-Lock Joint. Anyone have …
Lucasi vs. Pechauer - AzBilliards Forums
Jul 19, 2011 · I'm considering purchasing a Lucasi or Pechauer cue. I havent had much table time with either. Any suggestions? I currently own a McDermott with an I-2 shaft if that helps at all. …