Merlin Identification, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Merlins are small, fierce falcons that use surprise attacks to bring down small songbirds and shorebirds. They are powerful fliers, but you can tell them from larger falcons by their rapid …
Merlin (bird) - Wikipedia
Adult merlins may be preyed on by larger raptors, especially peregrine falcons (F. peregrinus), eagle-owls (e.g., great horned owl, Bubo virginianus), and larger Accipiter hawks (e.g., …
Merlin | Audubon Field Guide
A rather small falcon, compact and fast-flying, the Merlin is a common breeder across the northern forests of North America and Eurasia. It feeds mostly on small birds, capturing them …
Merlin Fact Sheet – HawkWatch International
Merlins are small birds, only slightly larger than American Kestrels, but stockier overall and fly with speed and stability. Merlins seem easily agitated, harassing larger raptors seemingly for fun.
Merlin - eBird
Small and fierce falcon. Dark above and paler below, with streaking on the underparts; darkness of plumage varies geographically. Feeds mainly on birds captured in flight. Found in a variety …
Meet the Merlin: Falcon on the Hunt - Birds and Blooms
Oct 11, 2023 · Learn about the merlin falcon: a stocky, swift bird of prey with medieval European ties. Plus, are they connected to the sorcerer Merlin? What Does a Merlin Look Like? A merlin …
Merlin - American Bird Conservancy
Medieval falconers called the Merlin the “Lady's Hawk,” and royalty prized this small raptor for hunting Eurasian Skylarks and other avian prey. Fans included Mary Queen of Scots and …
Merlin | Physical Features, Habitat & Behavior | Britannica
Merlin, (Falco columbarius), small falcon found at high latitudes throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Adult males have slate-blue backs with finely streaked underparts; females and …
Merlin - Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and Interesting Facts
One of the few species that hunts as a group is the Harris hawk. Merlins are also part of this exclusive cooperative hunting club. Unlike Harris hawks, which hunt in family groups …
Merlin Overview, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Merlins are small, fierce falcons that use surprise attacks to bring down small songbirds and shorebirds. They are powerful fliers, but you can tell them from larger falcons by their rapid …