All Cards | Rounds Wiki - Fandom
The following is a chart of all cards present within a vanilla installation of Rounds. This page does not include modded cards. []
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Steam Community :: Guide :: All Cards A-Z
Op Combos - List yours and what it does :: ROUNDS General …
I know two op combos: shields up + tactical reload (when u run out, u block and get more ammo instant) and refresh + static field + teleport/shield charge (when u hit ONE field then start right …
Every strategy in rounds, and some powerful combos.
Aug 15, 2021 · Refresh is a mod that gives you your block back when you deal damage. Late-game refresh builds will obliterate the opponent the second they're at point-blank range! …
ROUNDS: All Cards Sorted by Type - GamePretty
Apr 8, 2021 · Refresh: You get block back when [you] deal damage. Shields Up: Firing your last bullet triggers a block, disables continuous reloading, +.5 reload time, +.5 block cool down. Taste Of Blood: +50% movement speed for 3 …
Rounds Card Ranking : r/RoundsTheGame - Reddit
Remote, Fast forward, buckshot, ricco, demonic pact, brawler, cold bullets, dazzle are all decent cards when you play in the Competitive Rounds discord ( ) or against someone with over 100 hours.
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Rounds Wiki - Fandom
This is a wiki for the 2D shooter game Rounds that anyone can edit! In Rounds, you choose upgrade cards that give abilities to your weapon or yourself every round, making it more and more intense as the rounds progress!
ROUNDS: List Of Cards - GamePretty
Apr 3, 2021 · I’ve gathered some card names here because I wanted a list to use in sandbox. Comment the missing ones and I’ll add them. These change how your weapon fires. These add additional effects to projectiles. These add …
I decided to make a tier list after only playing this …
Refresh: A (This one incredible if combined with poison or something similar as its like abyssal count down but actually useable just make sure to have something to go with it such as shield charge, supernova or static field, or all three)
ROUNDS on Steam
Apr 1, 2021 · Wave your noodle arms around to assert dominance! Experience hype-filled dueling! Shoot, block, and jump your way to victory with your shotgun-rocket-launcher …