Pork Loin Jerky (Step by Step with Pics) - Smoking Meat Forums
Apr 8, 2016 · Pork Loin (not Pork Tenderloin) is a very lean cut of meat, which is what you want for Jerky, and it costs less than half as much as Lean Beef. This Loin was $1.68 LB. I made a few changes in what I actually did to make it even better than my first batch came out. So I began with about 6 pounds of Boneless Pork Loin.
Curing a Pork Loin - Smoking Meat Forums
Nov 17, 2012 · It really looks good. Sounds like canadian bacon being called pork chops. Heres what they used: Brine: 2 Cups of Water ½ Cup Morton Tender Quick 1 tsp Garlic Powder 1 tsp Onion Powder They call it brine-cured smoked pork chops. It was hot smoked to 150. To serve they sliced in 3/4 inch chops the next day and warmed on the grill.
What are your favorite sides to serve with smoked meats?
Jan 5, 2022 · For us it depends on the meat that we are barbecuing. We love all of these things from time to time. Potato salad, macaroni salad, baked beans, mac n cheese, cornbread casserole, baked potatoes, tater tots, fries, pig shots are fun, shrimp skewers, fresh bread, onion rings, potato skins, cheese sticks, or anything else that strikes the fancy that day.
Dr. Pepper Brined and Smoked Pork Loin - Smoking Meat Forums
Sep 4, 2019 · This was the most tender pork loin I have ever made. This little piece of boneless loin roast I have been saving from our home raised hogs. The plan was for curing and smoking for Canadian bacon, but Mrs. BEV pulled it out of the freezer and had different plans... This is your basic brine similar to Pops brine without the cure.
How long to smoke a Pork Loin Roast - Smoking Meat Forums
Dec 14, 2014 · When I did a pork loin slightly larger recently, it went about 2.5 hours, with the temp set at 220-225. My electric smoker seems to run a little hot; otherwise, I would have set it at 235. Be sure to use an internal thermometer to track that temp- …
Smoked Cured pork loin is it right? - Smoking Meat Forums
Mar 10, 2021 · Rub the mixture into the loin. Place into a plastic bag and leave for 7-10 days in fridge. Remove loin from refrigerator and brush off the excess salt. Dry to touch. Apply thin cold smoke for 1-3 days Hang loin at 46º , 72-80% humidity for one month to equalize. Dry loins for 3 weeks at 68-72º.
Pork loin...stuffed, rolled up and smoked! - Smoking Meat Forums
Apr 30, 2012 · LOL, that is a good name for it! Unfortunately my door thermometer doesn't work AT ALL (seems typical for these Master Forge units) and the day was rather chilly out with a lot of wind so I wound up leaving the burner at about 90% for the entire cook (~4 hours for the first one and ~4.5 hours for the second one, the first one was on the lower rack and the second on the …
Resting a pork loin? - Smoking Meat Forums
Sep 7, 2010 · No need to rest a loin to that extent if you are serving it up right away. You should just tent it or lightly wrap it in some foil to control it's cooling before slicing. I usually give it 10-15 minutes to redistribute before slicing.
Reheating pork loin - Smoking Meat Forums
Feb 23, 2012 · I followed this instruction. Put a sliced loin in the oven with the drippings (maybe 1/16 of an inch). After reaching 155 degrees in the oven, there was 3/4" of fluid in the pan. All the juice flowed right out of the loin in the oven, turning the amazingly moist loin (absolutely perfect after slicing the day before) into dry, chewy pork .
Smoked Pork Loin issues - Smoking Meat Forums
Nov 10, 2017 · I smoked it on my Horizon 16 offset smoker at approx 240 degrees. I smoked it til I hit an IT of 142 degrees hoping a carryover would take me to close 150. Now, before I smoked it, cutoff any fat cap and silverskin. Also, the loin was so long (almost 2feet I guess) that I …