Maple trees in August and related - Ask Extension
Apr 13, 2022 · Sugar Maple Fact Sheet Sugar Maple, University of Idaho Fact Sheet As far as planting, in eastern Oregon there are two planting seasons: early to late fall (September to November) until the ground freezes; and in the spring just …
Fall Fiesta sugar maple stays green - Ask Extension
Oct 11, 2016 · Some sugar maples are grafted onto different tree rootstock which isn't genetically programmed to develop fall color or maybe you have a different variety of maple. For example, silver and Norway maple trees don't change color as much in the fall.
Sugar maple: is it in imminent danger of falling or dying? #760197
Jul 6, 2021 · Sugar maple: is it in imminent danger of falling or dying? #760197 Asked July 06, 2021, 9:26 AM EDT The sugar maple we planted 35 or more years ago developed this crack.
yellow bellied sap sucker tree damage - Ask Extension
Jun 8, 2016 · Don't confuse sapsucker holes with holes created by insect borers. Borer holes are rarely as numerous as sapsucker holes and are randomly spaced. Yellow-bellied sapsuckers most often drill holes in white birch, sugar maple, red maple, Austrian pine, Scots pine, Canada hemlock, apple, ornamental crabapple, mountain ash and linden trees.
Maple tree poor condition - Ask Extension
May 22, 2017 · If a maple gets weakened by environmental issues it could get a fungal disease that is soil borne called verticillium wilt. Maples are susceptible to this especially when greatly stressed. It is a disease that the only steps to help the tree is to reduce outside stress by watering during drought and tree can also be fertilized to try and boost ...
Distressed Maple Tree - Ask Extension
Aug 3, 2021 · It looks like a sugar maple. Early June is when maple petiole borer larvae finish feeding in the petioles of maple leaves, causing the blackened, restricted petiole (leaf stems) to break and the leaf to fall. The stems usually break at a darkened area near the leaf blade.
Stump Grinding... Will it Kill the Tree? - Ask Extension
Mar 19, 2024 · 16 months ago I cut down 2 old sugar maple trees in my front yard. I am having those stumps ground at this time. The grinding is going to be deep... approx 12" below grade. My goal is to kill the old trees completely.
Verticillium wilt - Ask Extension
Nov 26, 2024 · Sugar maple with Verticillium wilt. Jerry Weiland (USDA-ARS) Red maple with Verticillium wilt. Jerry Weiland (USDA-ARS) Vascular discoloration of vine maple (bottom right) caused by Verticillium wilt. Note how the discoloration occurs along the direction of the grain and appears as a circular or semicircular pattern in cross section.
Help - is this a tree or a bushy weed? - Ask Extension
Jul 23, 2021 · Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) – If leaf stem shows no milky juice when broken and leaf is about as long as wide with base of leaf curving, it is likely a Sugar Maple Red Maple (Acer rubrum) - If the leaf surface is smooth with a network of depressed veins, and the lobes are drawn out to long tapering tips, and the teeth are of irregular sizes ...
Maple Tree disease - Ask Extension
May 14, 2022 · Sap streak is a disease if sugar maple usually caused by mechanical injury. If your tree is an Oregon big leaf maple check out these symptome: Symptoms of the decline include partial or entire crown die back, discoloration and reduced size of the leaves, crown thinning, and death. Tree decline never happens overnight.